The night before we arived on the farm on the 7th of June. I was really scared, dont know why and I was hoping Layla would'nt notice. Than we met Lori's partner Biran and he collected us from the bus stop and i wasnt so scared anymore.I suppose it is scary not knowing where you are going. When we got there I loved the place it was so beautiful and felt so at home. We meet Lori very quickly. She was busy with the baking and her customers. So we than were introduce to Conny and she is from Switzerland. She showed us around and told us that we work all day and there was always things to do.
I was looking forward to this as i love working and love to keep going with things to do. We fed the chickens and water the plants and than we meet Shemus the dog that didnt like Layla. He was trying to bite her and he nip her a little too. I was so scared. Layla was braver than me.
She was trying to make friends with him by thorwing sticks so he could go fetch. I was so impressed with her bravery. He still wanted to attack her but she got over it and had a great night sleep while i could'nt go asleep with worry thinking he is going to grab and bite her so bad. Just dreadful taughts were going thourgh my head.
This is the beautiful Gluten free Bakery
The next day i got up at 5.30 to feed the hens and all the chicks. Than lay down until Layla wont up. It is bakery day today. Everything in the bakery is gluten free. I would love to have a little place like this of my own. It is so beautiful and Lori is so colourful and such a artist.
She bakes everything herself. In my eyes she is pretty amazing. Layla and myself started working I did the washing while Layla was helping lori with the cooking and doing the dusting and eating some of the cakes and licking the bowl clean.
I put all the toppings on the pizza. Looking forward bringing some of these receipes home with me and experimenting with them.
Layla myself and Lori working away in the bakery.
It is 7.30 and we were up since 6. Got to the hen house and usual ever morning a chicken dies of a heart attack. I taught it was very strange but it seems to always happens and quiet normal. So fed the hens, chickens and the older chickens and let them out. The weather seems to be nice today. We just got our breakfast and now we are going to do some weeding when I am finish writing. We did loads of the weeding and we cleaned out the chickens house and made it all clean. That was a dirty job. Conny the Switzerland girl helped. Today was her last day. Will miss her a lot and Layla will too. She is so easy to talk to and so friendly.
We were taking loads of pictures of us doing all the work. Layla was hanging around Lori alot. They were making friends with the dog. Layla said to me today that she wanted to live here forever. Layla was on the tractor. She loved that. She went into Lori's mum and spent some time with her as she is so lonely.
Conny gone yesterday really miss her last night. She was great company and always help me with all the chores. So it is a bit lonely without her. Layla and myself always collect the eggs together after 4 that is when all the hens have laid there eggs. We saw a grass snake today. I forgot to bring my camera to take a picture. Have to put the hens to bed before i can go to bed and before I fall asleep I listen to the frogs every night.
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